November 16, 2015

participate | Hour of Code

We are challenging CBE schools to participate in the Hour of Code to celebrate Computer Science Week December 7 – 13. This challenge asks students to spend one hour over the course of the week learning how to code. It is for all students, of all ages, in any discipline. Computer programming and coding is becoming an increasingly important skill for learners and job seekers to know.

If you accept the challenge, here’s how to do it:

step 1 | sign up

Visit the website to sign up your school.

step 2 | plan logistics

First, watch this “How To Run an Hour of Code” video. This activity can be done as a whole school, in select classrooms, or by select students. Decide if you want this to be a whole-school event, or if it will take place in certain classrooms or clubs.

step 3 | plan technology

Ensure that all students participating have a way to access technology (a tablet, computer, or other mobile device will work) for one hour a week to participate in the Hour of Code. You can even participate without access to technology with activities teaching the basics of computer science without the use of any technology.

step 4 | prepare your educators

It’s okay if you and your students are brand new to coding. The Hour of Code uses tutorials that students can progress through at their own pace. The tutorials use various different programming languages to take students through the process of creating code. It is recommended that teachers take the time beforehand to go through the tutorial they select for their students so they can help troubleshoot during the event. Another helpful resource is this Slideshow sharing best practices from educators.

step 5 | promote

Get kids, parents, and community excited about the Hour of Code! Send e-mails to parents! Put up posters around the school! Show inspirational videos!

step 6 | celebrate

Celebrate your students’ accomplishment by giving them a sticker, certificate, or by simply acknowledging their hard work. Share their Hour of Code throughout the world with the hashtag #hourofcode or throughout the CBE with the hashtag #cbehourofcode (making sure you are in accordance with the CBE’s Web 2.0 guidelines). Make this learning visible!

Support is available to help you and your school take on this challenge.
1.     The Hour of Code website includes everything you need to get started.
2.     CBE’s Learning will be offering a webinar to help you get ready, outline resources available to you, and answer your questions on Thursday, November 19th from 4 – 5pm. Please sign up for this webinar through EAMS.
3.     CBE’s Learning specialists are available to help you troubleshoot any issues you run into during the week of December 7 – 11th. Please contact them at:

Matt Armstrong,
Tracy Dalton,
Erin Quinn,
Tracy Rand,
Christos Sagriotis,

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