offer | webinar
On May 20, join a CBE High School Guidance Counsellor, a CBE Career Practitioner and the experts from Career Cruising in an informational webinar.
On May 20, join a CBE High School Guidance Counsellor, a CBE Career Practitioner and the experts from Career Cruising in an informational webinar.
- Learn more about how to access Career Cruising and use it to effectively set learning expectations and monitor student progress.
- Find out more about how to use the course planner with the CBE common course guide as your master course schedule.
Where: Webinar
(we will use Blackboard Collaborate - you will recieve the link 48 hours before the session)
Who: Guidance Counsellors, CALM teachers, Career Practitioners, anyone else looking for a platform for career development conversations
Register for this event using this link:
Career Cruising is a web-based career exploration and planning tool that students may use to explore career and education options and create a comprehensive career portfolio. It provides teachers, counsellors, career practitioners and other significant adults with a framework for talking to students about their interests, passions and next steps in planning for success.
Register for this event using this link:
Career Cruising is a web-based career exploration and planning tool that students may use to explore career and education options and create a comprehensive career portfolio. It provides teachers, counsellors, career practitioners and other significant adults with a framework for talking to students about their interests, passions and next steps in planning for success.
2014-15 Updates
The Calgary Board of Education is
in year 3 of a 5 year system license for Career Cruising. This means all
CBE students grades 9-12 have access to Career Cruising's career
planning tools to inform their decision-making and planning for their future.
Career Cruising is also used extensively in CALM, Off-Campus and other learning
environments in CBE.
Students and teachers can use the
CBE System Login page, located here, to login to
Career Cruising. Instructions are included on the login page.
We are currently updating the
course information in Career Cruising so it matches the detailed CBE Common
Course Guide. You can find out more about the Common Course Guide on the High School
page on the CBE website. This provides all students in CBE with the same
information about learning pathways available across the jurisdiction. Schools
will need to choose to have this common master course “pushed” into their
Career Cruising (CC) environment. We know some schools have done
extensive work to customize the CC environment for teaching and timetabling
purposes and don’t want to overwrite this hard work. We will work directly with
key contacts in schools to determine the best path for each school.
Career Cruising provides extensive
professional learning opportunities, both live webinars and self-paced learning
modules. Learning Innovation is also prepared to offer professional learning
based on the expressed needs of our schools.
Cruising Learning Opportunities can be found here:
If you have questions about Career
Cruising, please contact Tracy Dalton,
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