March 11, 2014

Design Thinking Series

“Design thinking asks students to become investigators in their world, attempt to solve problems, bridge gaps of knowledge independently, collaboratively, and resourcefully.”

The maker movement encourages learning through doing while working with peers. Building from DIY and incorporating a belief in the ability to make things better, cheaper, greener and more efficient, the maker movement encourages students to make their learning visible. The maker movement in schools encourages invention and creativity, prototyping and experimentation.  It celebrates the human need to create, innovate, play and tinker. Students from k-12 are given opportunities to engage in design thinking and work with their hands, trades and technology. (Invent to Learn, Sylvia Libow Martinez & Gary Stager)

So how does a Phys. Ed. teacher find herself learning how to solder and taking apart an old Sony Walkman?

In The Designing for Learning workshop series, teachers are invited to be inspired by the maker philosophy to inform teaching practice around making learning visible. 

All sessions are held at the CT Centre Lord Shaughnessy High School

Wednesday March 19 4:30 - 7:30
Designing for Learning: Fiber Tech & Wearables

Wednesday April 2 4:30 - 7:30
Designing for Learning: Introductory Electronics and Robotics

Wednesday May 14 4:30 - 7:30
Designing for Learning: 4 Rapid Prototyping and 3D Printing

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