November 10, 2016

ScratchEdYYC Meetup

It is Scratch Meetup Time! 

Our Scratch Meetup groups explore how the programming language Scratch can be used to support learning in our classrooms.  Scratch ( is a free web based programming environment developed by the Lifelong Kindergarten Group at MIT.  Scratch is an easy programming language to learn and everyone experiences success right away, but it also has a very high ceiling and can be used to create complex projects!

Whether you are new to coding in the classroom or are very experienced with Scratch and looking to challenge and extend your understanding, we definitely want you at our meetup!  Let's learn and grow together as we help our students learn computational thinking and coding in our schools using Scratch!  Our group works with anyone who is interested in Scratch, from Kindergarten and Grade 1 teachers exploring Scratch Jr. to people who want to write their own extensions in Java with High School students and important them into Scratch as an extension . . . and everything in between!

Check out the meeting information and sign up link below!  We hope to see you there!
Steve Martin and Loralee Martin - Founders of ScratchEdYYC!


Here are some possible topics that you may be interested in that we can look at during the meet-up. However, meetups are driven by the participants so if there is something you want to share or something you want to learn about, let us know!

Introduction to Scratch through the HOUR OF CODE  (Beginners)
Thinking of using a programming language in your classroom as part of Hour of Code and Computer Science Week (December 5th - 11th)? Come to our ScratchED YYC Meetup and we will walk you through using Scratch in your classroom and the Hour of Code resources!

WeDo and Machines . . . The CHAIN REACTION (Intermediate)
Our grade 8 Design and Computer Science class has created a WeDo chain reaction!  Bouncy balls will travel from station to station in our Learning Commons, each ball launched into the real world by a Scratch program.  This will be a great demonstration of Scratch with huge opportunities to integrate with Grade 4 and Grade 8 machine science units!
The Unofficial Scratch Extensions (Intermediate)
Looking to take your Scratch skills to the next level?  Learn about Scratch X . . the secret extensions to Scratch that can run Arduinos, track the International Space Station . . . follow Twitter Hashtags . . . create games where Scratch tracks movements through the Microsoft Kinnect and so much more!

ScratchED YYC -Meetup Group for Scratch Educators
Invite a friend
Simply forward this invite to a friend and have them join the Meetup.
Thursday, December 1, 2016
at 4:30 PM
Captain Nichola Goddard School Learning Commons
405 Panatella Blvd NW
Calgary, AB